Sunday, September 23, 2012

They're Engaged!!

I was going to post something simple today. I was going to talk about the Jewish Holidays, and how school has been going, and the fuzzy yarn I'm making mittens from. It was going to be the perfect break from my work.

And then my sister called around noon, and we had a nice chat about how her boyfriend PROPOSED to her last night. That's right, my big sister is officially engaged!! Congratulations to Steph and Jeff!!

I found that out, and then I was bouncing off the walls at BPG dance rehearsals. Now I've decided to give up on work for the night and post this instead :) I'll post again next weekend when I'm a little calmer. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Remember

It's been 11 years, and the memories are still fresh from that day. There was always something about growing up near NYC that made this day hit home, and even though I'm not there today, my heart goes out to the victims and their families. We will never forget September 11.

At the same time, we remember another life lost just a few days ago. Monique Williams, who should have started high school in Somers last week, passed away over the weekend. She had been fighting Leukemia since third grade. She touched the lives of all she met, and she will forever live in our hearts.

We remember 9/11, and we remember Monique Williams. The victims of tragedy will forever live in our hearts.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sophomore Year!!

September rolls around again, and I'm back at school ready for another crazy year of classes, dancing, and of course a ton of knitting! I've got a new supply of wool yarn and am super-excited to start knitting with it :) First things first, though, is my summer.

I spent most of my summer sitting in an office, so I wanted to do something a little more dance-y. Most of my pieces this summer were scrap yarn projects, but I did make this awesomely fuzzy pair of legwarmers:

They were a lot of fun to make and are now up on my facebook page under "current inventory". With any luck I'll be able to update this blog once a week with an update and a featured piece. Check back in for more information!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Shoot!!

I had my first ever summer photoshoot today, and even though it was boiling out, it was really fun! My photographers/models (they played both roles) looked gorgeous, and I can't wait to get the pictures back and pick out the ones that will be going on my facebook page! Look out world, here I come!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Summer vacation

After a crazy year, I've been relishing my time home. It's hard to believe that I'm done with my freshman year of college, but it's true. I've knit two light summer wraps in different shades of blue, and I'm nearly done with a lavender shawlette (it's a small shawl). I've also started working on a shrug with some yellow fuzzy yarn. Pictures to come!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Secret project

I'm working on a special new project. It's not ready to go just yet, but here's a sneak peek. Any guesses?

Sunday, April 8, 2012


The concept of charting has always fascinated me. I loved the idea that you could knit an image, not just a pattern. Below is an image of me holding my first ever charting success!! Let's just say it's for a friend... ;)

The image is the logo of the dance group I'm in at school, BPG. I created the pattern a few months ago but just had a chance to use it. I spent about 5 hours creating the pattern, and then around 6 hours knitting it. Though the project is now on size 10 needles, I did the knitting on size 4. The pattern is 38x66 sts, and comes out to about 5"x9"

Quick shout-out to the amazing dancers of BPG, love you all!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Relay for Life

It's been a year since the day that changed everything. A year since we sat together in the orchestra room, trying to digest the news. A year since we committed to doing something more. A year since we found our reason to Relay.

Two years ago, Hanna Monte was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer while studying abroad. Though doctors initially diagnosed it as terminal, saying she didn't have long, she chose to fight it anyway. For a year, Hanna battled the cancer, refusing to give up hope. The last time I saw her, she was leading STAT (our Social Action club, which she had helped to found a few years before) in making Valentine's Day cards for members of the community who needed some cheering up. She refused to take any home.

When she passed away a month later, the members of our orchestra who had known her best came together to grieve. We reminisced for much of the day and remembered the bright spirit we had lost. Two months later, I participated in my first Relay for Life in Hanna's memory.

This year, to gather donations, I created a bookmark project. I'll be selling bookmarks for $3 each, and all the proceeds will be part of my donation to Relay for Life. More information can be found on my facebook page,

So here's to Hanna. Cancer may have won the battle a year ago, but it won't win the war.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The scarves that started it all...

I first started this business during my senior year of high school, between the first and second Harry Potter 7 movies. My friends wanted Harry Potter scarves, but they weren't too excited about paying $30 or more for them. From there, my knitting business was born. Heading to college, I still had one Slytherin scarf left.

Pictured here is Sheldon. Photographs courtesy of Isabelle. They both live on the floor below me and were gracious enough to come out for me one chilly Sunday afternoon as we begged the snow not to melt. The photos came out great from the shoot, and I can't wait to share the rest! I'll be uploading this photo, along with a few others, to my facebook page:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


While I like to think that I'm doing this all on my own, I can't forget my friends, who have been cheering me on to this point. Many of them have been helping me along the way, and today I want to give a shout-out to the first of them!
A big thank you to my amazing friend Simone, who designed an incredible logo for me!! She's an art student at the Pratt Institute in NYC, and you can check out more of her work at

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Welcome to Perfect Purls!

Welcome to my knitting blog!! I'll be using this to chronicle my knitting adventures in conjunction with my new business, "Perfect Purls"! I'm really excited to get started, so look out for plenty of new posts as I get started!