Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Relay for Life

It's been a year since the day that changed everything. A year since we sat together in the orchestra room, trying to digest the news. A year since we committed to doing something more. A year since we found our reason to Relay.

Two years ago, Hanna Monte was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer while studying abroad. Though doctors initially diagnosed it as terminal, saying she didn't have long, she chose to fight it anyway. For a year, Hanna battled the cancer, refusing to give up hope. The last time I saw her, she was leading STAT (our Social Action club, which she had helped to found a few years before) in making Valentine's Day cards for members of the community who needed some cheering up. She refused to take any home.

When she passed away a month later, the members of our orchestra who had known her best came together to grieve. We reminisced for much of the day and remembered the bright spirit we had lost. Two months later, I participated in my first Relay for Life in Hanna's memory.

This year, to gather donations, I created a bookmark project. I'll be selling bookmarks for $3 each, and all the proceeds will be part of my donation to Relay for Life. More information can be found on my facebook page, facebook.com/PerfectPurls

So here's to Hanna. Cancer may have won the battle a year ago, but it won't win the war.

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