Thursday, January 30, 2014

Final Countdown

I've spent the last few weeks busily preparing for my semester abroad, which kicks off this Sunday at 6:30! I've been joking that I'm flying out of the Meadowlands (aka Newark Airport) right as the Superbowl starts, so folks should root for my plane getting out on time as well as their favorite teams :)

I had a chance to visit Rochester over MLK weekend, which was absolutely wonderful. I had a great time seeing friends and watching Frozen (which I highly recommend to anyone who still hasn't seen it). Once I got back, I've had a hectic pair of weeks trying to get everything done before I finally leave. I hit the mall to pick up an adapter (so my laptop will function in the UK) and a few sweaters (it doesn't get as cold as in Rochester, but it does get chilly). Today I hit the salon for a quick haircut ("quick" meaning it took 2 hours instead of the usual 3).

Right now, I'm tying up the last of my loose ends - literally! As I had mentioned, I've been taking regular breaks from my first ever sweater to knit my own mug cozies, including one that's pictured here. I haven't sewn it together or added the button yet, but other than that it's done. The fire engine red (poor photo quality doesn't do it justice) wool yarn came from my extensive donated stash and the button will be from my collection of random buttons. Side note- yes, I have a collection of random buttons.

I've been keeping up my advocacy work while I'm home as well. This week was especially tough because it was Eeva's birthday. For those who don't know, Eeva was a classmate of mine growing up. We were in the same second grade class, and though we weren't close in the years that followed, I still distinctly remember the day she joined my group of friends on a field trip. On January 27, she should have celebrated her 21st birthday. However, she passed away in May 2009 after a lifetime battle with Leukemia. She was only 16 years old. 

Tomorrow, I'll spend one last Friday night with people from home. Saturday, I'll go to lunch with my family and pack up my life. Sunday, my adventure across the ocean begins. 

But tonight, I'll just remember Eeva.

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